Servicing and Maintenance

Scooter Servicing

Servicing your scooter regularly is a sure way to prevent problems before they occur, reducing any downtime, and keeping you on the road.

Mercane’s recommends having your scooter serviced every 6months or 250km (which ever comes first), to ensure you get the best performance from your scooter over its life. We also offer a complimentary Service at 1 Month / 100km* (whichever comes first) on all our Electric Scooters. This first service is essential in identifying potential issues early, by confirming the scooter setup matches the rider and ensuring the riding has the right tools and knowledge to use the scooter correctly.

Service Booklet

We keep your records up to date with our service and warranty booklet (included when purchased) while we keep a digital backup in our system. Our digital records complement your hard copy Service Booklet, and secure all proof-of-service, including records of maintenance work done, in the Mercane database. This way if your Service Booklet is lost, we can still access information on all service data of the scooter and a complete service history can be created if required.

Our service charges are as follows:

$ 88.00 incl GST – Workshop Fee (include 30mins labour)

$110.00 incl GST – Additional Labour (charged in 15min increments)

*Free Service must be redeemed within 30 days/100km of purchase or standard service charges will apply.


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